Christmas Trees at the Curbs

Turns out when you are around 10 or 11 years old and Christmas has come and gone and the long days of boredom have set in you can turn just about anything into a fun activity.  Growing up in our neighborhood we would all go out and collect all the Christmas trees that people had put at the curbs and we would drag them to the Scott’s house and down the hill in the back yard to their metal jungle gym.  We would put the trees all round the structure and on the top and make us a little fort to play in for weeks on end.  I can’t remember what happened to all those trees after we were done with the fort and school had started back up, poor Mr. Scott drug them all out to his front yard for pick up I’m assuming.   Oh wait…I forgot, Shannon, Toni and Terri got that job I bet.

2 thoughts on “Christmas Trees at the Curbs

  1. We were just talking about this after this Christmas..that was as much of a tradition as any part of Christmas..Maybe the best part, too..all the new toys were inside and you were enjoying old trees stuck together propped up on that old jungle gym and staying inside the fort for hours on end..Using your creative juices to make believe was more fun than the new toys inside the house, too..Now that we all have artificial trees what do the kids of today do with the old artificial trees after Christmas?? Put them back in a box and cram it in the attic , I guess…..We have our old artificial tree lost most of its lights this year and we don’t know what to do with it..we feel silly sitting out side and us looking for other old trees to stack around it…….So we still have it inside the house..So I guess we are having our own fort with heating provided after the holidays…I will let you know what we finally decide to do with our old tree…Thank you Kathie for this trip down memory lane..I loved it , too…

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