Advice of the day…Eat Lunch before you go to the Beach

It’s that time of year again when our family of 4 heads to beach for our summer vacation. We have found a little place we like to rent in Sea Grove, Florida and have settled in nicely for our 2 weeks of extended family time. This year has really been nice for us since we had not had much time with Mitch for the past few months.
Every day I painstakingly make sandwiches for everyone to lug in our big ole cooler down to beach…I pack what everyone likes on their sandwich which is different for everyone of course and then I label their sandwich sack. I pack chips, pickles, fresh fruit and desserts as well. I’m sure you know where this going….we have been settled into our lounge chairs for a total of about 4 minutes when we all decide that we are hungry and ready for lunch. Really? Yep? Really! We all scarf down our lunch and settle in for an afternoon of fun and sun.
One day last week I had a brilliant idea! What if we ate lunch then went to beach? Gosh…we would not have to lug all that food down there and drag that monster cooler with us…sometimes it takes us a while to come to our senses. So for today, we will enjoy our lunch at our little rental house then pack up and head out.


Is this not the cutest little motel you have ever seen?  It was one of the first things I feel in love with on 30A.summer 2012 146

4 thoughts on “Advice of the day…Eat Lunch before you go to the Beach

  1. I think we finally get smarter because it is so much work to fix all the different lunches…I agree with your shortcut idea..and it is all done..then only snacks and drinks need to travel with you if even that..Kathie , you always were a bright girl..this just proves it..Work Smarter not Harder..Enjoy that beautiful sand and water and get a good visit in with the kids while they are with you at the Beach…Love the Blog…

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